Saturday, February 16, 2008

SINESILIP: "DV," directed by Eric dela Cruz, showing on 20 February 2008


written, produced & directed by Eric dela Cruz shows at the Auditorium of the National Commission of Culture and the Arts, 633 Gen. Luna Street, Intramuros, Manila on 20 February 2008, 6 pm


Half-based on F. Sionil Jose's short story Dream Video, and half-inspired by science fiction anime, Fil, the main character in the story, is a middle-age, upper crust Sociology professor in a university, married but childless.

A person of habit, essentially a good person living a good life, Fil’s only problem is that he hasn’t got any – which leads to his predilection of dreams. It is through his dreams that his thirst for novelty and adventure is satisfied. Fil envisions a device that could record dreams in vain hope to recapture and share his dreams deviating from his normal day to day existence.

In a parallel universe, friends Jhun and Hapon succeeded in inventing a Dream Recorder with a blind man as their first subject.


‘I sometimes wonder if in some future time, these dreams can be recorded as videos so that they can be shared with others…And wouldn’t it be better if such dreams could be transported into the minds of others so that those who dream them can share my experience?’

- Fil in Dream Videos

The filmmaker sees a connection to the stage of abstraction commonly known as dreamin
g to the process of filmmaking. In this respect, the short story Dream Videos, incidentally written by F. Sionil Jose has been for four years now, one of his dream movies to make.

An individual sometimes reaches a point where he finds life a little too peaceful for comfort—sometimes to the point of extreme banality.

Now, the dreams that we have when we surrender to sleep are another matter. Upon waking, our dreams, in being a manifestation of our subconscious feelings and thoughts will always leave upon waking a feeling of mystery and to some extent, a desire to know more. Now, imagine a future wherein an actual device that records one’s dream is invented.

This in turn opens a whole new dimension not only to the movie industry in particular but to life in general. With the current assault of ‘reality-based’ programs which caters to the latent peeping tom in us, it could be assumed that the contrivance of dream recording will be revolutionize and take reality-TV into a higher (or is it hyper?) level.

The film stars William Martinez, Topelito Topelits, Reinier LaiƱo
with Pinky Amador, Wiji Lacsamana, Irene Delarmente, Rannie Raymundo and Dick Israel.

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